
2 Peter 1v3

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, (ESV)

We see that by God's power we have everything we need to live and more than that to live Godly lives, in truth once we have turned from Simon's into Peter's through faith and are growing by the work done in us by Christ's sanctifying work which leads to and is guided by a greater intimacy with God, we find that the exercising of our works of faith is amplified by His divine power which is infinite both in strength and duration. It is sufficient, no more than sufficient, for anything we need and again we see that it is based on and comes by intimacy with him, and again it is not initiated by ourselves but by his calling us. And what does he call us to ‘to his own glory and excellence’ in other words echoed elsewhere to be perfect as He is perfect.

I want to stress again that this perfection is not something we can claim as being a result of anything we do for we are clothed with Christ's righteousness it is 'HlS OWN glory and excellence’ which he gives to us freely not something we become in and of our own strength. It is his glory It is his excellence. This should give us a sense of responsibility in that we need to recognise our own unsuitability and inability to attain, but it should give us a sense of comfort and peace and joy knowing that He does this work for us, this should free us to do the work He calls us to knowing that it relies not on our own strength but his, if we move forward trusting in Him he provides the acceleration and power to reach His goals. 

The fact that He chooses to use us as part of achieving His will and proclaiming His presence in this world should give us a sense of awe and joy that surpasses any fear, pain and sadness we may feel in this temporary abode that will soon be over as we pass into our eternal home bathed in his Glory and grace.