
CHOC Cows 2014 Blog #0

Amongst other things I'm a programmer so numbering starts at 0, of course we could start at -∞ but then it would just take too long to get anywhere noticeable -∞+1 is still -∞ for most intents and purposes.

So I realized looking at my blog that I forgot to update and post the final results of my 94.7 CHOC Cows fund raising ride, I must say I was pleasantly surprised at the giving towards this project and exceeded the goal, here is a snippet from the project page with the details (as a reminder the target was R6000).

Jermworm's 2013 94.7 CHOC COW project


Unfortunately I didn't get many good photos of me riding in the kit (I was pulling some strange faces), but here are a couple of shots the photographers did manage to get of me.


I finished the ride in 3:45:39 which, as usual puts me almost slap bang in the middle of the finishers at position 8803/20743 so you have to know I am an average rider.

So I hope you are not bored yet, I have made my mind up that every event I ride this year will be in CHOC Cow Kit (unless we get to the point, R20,000.00, where a suit is earned). Keep in mind this is a year long project but please don't wait to the last minute to start sending your donations. If you have ideas for fundraising events or competitions, let me know, I'm not the best fundraiser myself, but I have decided to try and do something for those in need, maybe you can too.

Details of how to donate will follow I still need to confirm some final details with The Cows.

In the meantime to show that I'm working hard at getting a decent time (I'm aiming for a sub 4h00) here is a snapshot of the fitness graph from fittrack, which thanks to the Rapha Strava 500 challenge shows me above where I need to be, I'm hoping to maintain that.

I've also dropped a few KG in the last couple of months and the trend is down by almost 1KG a week I might just get back to that slimmer okie from 23 years ago (okay that's maybe a bit of a stretch) and no I won't be growing my hair like that again.

So that's enough for now, please consider giving and perhaps squeezing something out of your budget, I know it's tough but probably not as tough as it is for Children with Cancer and their families.