
CHOC Cows 2014 Post #1

Well it seems I've been a bit tardy on the updates... I could say busy but that is a little bit of an excuse, most of my 'spare' time I've been out pounding the kilometres on the pedals.

In case you haven't been following I plan to do all events I do in cow garb this year, and I say garb deliberately because I've decided that since I'm starting to need a new wardrobe because most of my clothes are too big for me I might as well upgrade my CHOC Cow clothing as well so if you all can help raise the funds I'll do 94.7 in a COW SUIT. That means we need to raise R20,000.00 for CHOC by November. I know we can do it but I need your help. Here is the link to the project **CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW**  for my CHOC fundraising efforts this year, please support this worthy cause which you can read more about here: http://www.thecows.co.za/ and here: http://www.choc.org.za/. If anyone has any suggestions for raising the funds I'm all ears, if you can help out by doing some organising even better.

So I mentioned my tardiness part of which was raising funds on the Argus which I did ride in COW kit. I finished in 3h58, here is a photo from the climb up Suikerbossie.

And another on of me at the finish.

Just for fun here is another picture of some other cows at a photo shoot in the cradle (I'm not in it cos I took it), watch out for the CHOC Cows branded Meadow Feeds tanker trucks on the road and in the media.

For those wondering how my 'training' is going well all I can say is I seem to be improving bit by bit.. still not far from the back on most Strava segments but continually improving on personal best times, just yesterday I did PR's on 19 segments, and got 2nd bests on another 5. If you are interested and aren't on facebook or strava my latest rides are shown in this blog (top right). I have set a target of 150Km per week which I have been achieving, if things go well I will probably up that to 200Km in the next few weeks, just need to fit in some more commuting.