
CHOC Cows 2014 Post #4 Why CHOC, 94.7 New Route and other little rides

Hey all it's that MAD COW friend, colleague, family member, or other acquaintance again with a news bulletin.

For those that don't follow my rides closely I've done my 3rd 130Km+ ride in 3 months this time the longest so far at 142Km out for a little loop in Randfontein then out to Bruma Lake and back via Observatory and Yeoville. I would ask for a donation to buy the Grand Fondo cycling top I'm entitled to but I'd much rather you donate it to CHOC (CLICK HERE TO DONATE) and provide for those children with cancer and their families.

I was asked a few days ago "Why CHOC?", so I thought I'd share with you as neither I nor my immediate family have been directly affected by cancer. There are other needs in my family and a few years ago I rode 94.7 in aid of Martin house (See my related blog post) as my nephew has Friedreich's Ataxia a neurological degenerative disease and makes use of services offered by Martin House, whilst I did manage to raise some funds, many people pointed out that they would prefer to donate to a local (South African) cause. 

One day as I was pondering which cause to raise funds for one of my work colleagues posted a picture of Himself and a young lady who were assisting in raising funds for CHOC and that pretty much sealed it. CHOC had been high on my list as I had some friends who had lost sons to leukaemia, and I had gotten to know another young man and his parents some years back who also had leukaemia. It also doesn't hurt that the CHOC COWS are one of the best known and most visible raisers of funds by riding, running, walking, swimming and all sorts of other activities in fun cow print costumes of varying sorts.

So that's my story and whilst I haven't been directly affected I think we all know someone who has, I think there is nothing more painful to watch that a child suffering with severe illness, and the effect it has on their loved ones. CHOC has many projects which aim to alleviate some of the logistical, physical and emotional strain that goes with caring for a child with cancer.

(CLICK HERE TO DONATE) BTW FWIW (By The Way For What Its Worth) this year I intend to ride with the herd which means I'm probably going to sacrifice what is looking like it would be my best time so far in 94.7 in order to increase the visibility of the COWS and hopefully raise more awareness for CHOC. If I continue improving my times and distance maybe in a year or two (or more) I might manage to join Apocalypse Cows in doing 94.7 twice but I have to be able to finish the first lap under 3hrs for that.

On that note it was just announced that the 94.7 start/finish venue has changed this year and the route as well (see map) I have mixed feelings about the new route, as it means no more N14 but we will have a nasty long hill in Cedar Rd just before the finish, but it's not called a Challenge for nothing (unlike that easier ride further south they call a 'tour') and what's life without a little extra hurdle to get over now and then. Anyway between now and then I have plenty of climbing practice.

So... upcoming events of interest, this Saturday I'm riding with Westgate Wheelers from Witpoortjie to Ventersdorp which will be just over 100Km (mostly downhill), then the week after that I've entered a Nissan Trail Seeker Hakahana 70Km then August I take a trip to Sun City for a 115Km race held in aid of CANSA. 

Somewhere between all that I may be seen commuting to work and not seen going nowhere fast in the kitchen on the trainer. And the July Grand Fondo I want see see if I can manage 160Km (100 Miles) in one ride. Much of this will be in varying degrees of Cow kit, It's winter so jackets and thermal leggings are sometimes covering up. But if you see anyone wearing COW Kit on the road give them a wave and holler, you never know it might just be me.

On another note I've been maintaining around 90Kg for the last couple of months, I had to pack away trousers and shirts that were too big, and of which one person said "Jeremy.... I don't want to see you in those big pants again" There have been a few other complaints about my riding too which I won't mention since whilst I'm slowly improving there are plenty milestones I still want to achieve ahead of me.

One last thing, I'm trying to raise enough funds to ride in a COW SUIT (see my earlier post) that means I need to raise R20,000 for CHOC so far we have R2000 so here is your chance to build up the fund (CLICK HERE TO DONATE)

Again thanks for reading this far, and thanks for your support whether it be financial, moral or by some other means.

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