
CHOC Cows Post #6 TDF Ride every Day and Rapha Rising Challenge

Well I might as well update since I'm done with these 2 'little' challenges, for those that have seen this on Facebook sorry for the repeat but some of the people reading this aren't on FB, or might have missed it even if they are.

I suppose I could bore you with the daily rides, but since there are too many of those I drew up this little table:

TDF Ride EveryDay Rapha Rising

Distance (Km) Ascent (m) Time Avg Speed Km/H Distance (Km) Ascent (m)
Jul 21-27 (11 rides) 379.4 6467 21:11:00.00 17.91 379.4 6467
Jul 14-20 (7 Rides) 309.3 3004 12:41:00.00 24.39 215.4 2712
Jul 7-13 (8 Rides) 227.7 1623 08:41:00.00 26.22

Jul 5-6 (2 Rides) 103.9 1647 06:57:00.00 14.95

My Totals 1020.3 12741 49:30:00.00 20.61 594.8 9179
TDF Totals (Nibali's time) 3664 62803 89:59:00 40.72

Comaparison Me/TDF% 27.85% 20.29% 55.01% 50.62%

It should also be noted I was switching a bit between Road Bike and MTB, and used the trainer in the kitchen on some nights, but the last week was all on the MTB riding as much hills as I could 'on the way' to work and back home.

On Sat 19'th I did my longest ride ever of 164.2Km and at that stage also most climbing in one ride at 2039m, I did more climbing in the ride on Sat 26 with 7 repeats of Sterkfontein Hill (plus a couple of trips home to refill water bottle and a short lunch trip) totalling 2190m (also longest ride ever on the MTB at 119Km), for those that know the area the climb was from the Riet River bridge (Just before the Greensleeves Turn Off) to the traffic lights at the top which is 290m in 7.5Km.

Saturday's ride looks like this (map and elevation data) The Peak with the long bit is where I went for lunch, and back.

'Now what' may be asked... well I don't know, I've proved to myself I can go long (and high) but I could be faster, and technical stuff catches me out so I have room for improvement there. I've got a 50Km MTB race in 2 Weeks then a 100Km Road race a week after that and then 21 September 100Km MTB from Uniondale to Knysna, so I guess I'll just prepare for those for now and work on improving my MTB skills. Sounds a bit boring after the last three weeks I suppose, but I'll just keep Moooving on.

Please remember I'm trying to Raise R20,000 for CHOC this year please go and donat on my GivenGain Page by clicking HERE

One other thing, thanks to all those who have given encouragement and congratulations, word's like machine, respect, nutcase just encourage me, and if things really do get bad I'll just take a right turn up the hill one day (just kidding).

That's all for now, thanks for reading.

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