
CHOC Cows 2016 Post #5

Another year has gone by and I've recovered enough to write the Post 947 Challenge(s) update.

I took off a week from work but it wasn't a rest by any means.

Saturday 12th 947 Kiddies Races, It might have been that I was less fit, although we also realized afterwards that we also swept the kiddies races this year when last year we just did lead out, at any rate it was a few sprints punctuated by a brief rest and off again.

The positioning of our Cowzebo was also much better this year and the 'snow' machine (soap bubbles) was a huge hit with the kids.

Here is some of the team that assisted (2 were missing Hendri was riding around with a tin and Cliff was just on time for the start):

Thanks guys and gals next year we need to rope in some more volunteers.

Sunday 13th 947 MTB Challenge
After last years swimsuit competition (well the cowsuit was pretty wet) I decided to skip the suit this year, if I have to be honest I struggled most of the ride the legs just didn't want to cooperate, but I had fun and passing the poor strugglers walking up the hills through Steyn City let me know I'm not dead yet.

Thur-Sat 947 Expo
Ok so The Cows got squished into a smaller area this year and some of our antics were disallowed, 2 and a half days of standing and shaking cans drains one, but the rewards are in knowing we did something to help raise awareness and some funds to help CHOC.

Sunday 947 Cycle Challenge
Suit on, Bike Straddled, off we go, I hadn't been tethered to an ICB but hung back at the start and then attached to the ICB that Richard Laskey was Piloting, did some pushing and briefly switched to Mark Kordas' ICB and towed for a few minutes down M1 but switched back. Since I wasn't doing much towing this year I got to race ahead trying to clear the way for most of the ride and could have a little fun teasing some of the tired people making their way up Cedar, I didn't have the heart to let them know they still had a tough climb in Steyn city as well but I sprinted up a bit of the hill telling them it was easy.... HAH, then turned around to go back down to ICB and come back up again.

Surprising even myself I actually got on the stage in Steyn City, got called HOT?? (yes I was still wearing the Cow Suit) The shock in the eyes and voice when the MC felt the material of the suit was something else too, I think an appreciation of some of the self inflicted punishment we put ourselves through sank in.

We get asked so often why we do this, why not make a lighter Ice Cream Bike, or a cow suit that would be cooler, or why do two laps, and help tow and push that monster to the finish line, why why why.

The truth for most of us is that this little bit of suffering we put ourselves through is NOTHING compared to what children suffering cancer and the pain of the treatment they go through is, if we can look a little foolish and sweat a little more to bring a little more comfort and if we are really lucky a smile to their faces, we will continue to do it over and over and over again.

Image Courtesy CHOC

Thanks for all the support and donations in the year please keep it up, my GivenGain Project is open until the end of December so please do go and donate.

Also if you want a reminder of where the money goes take a look at the CHOC website.

Until next year.

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