
CHOC Cows 2017 Post #4

It's almost the end of the year, and perhaps not quite the end of my fundraising campaign. (Sorry for long post but I've been busy)

If you have been following I want to emphasise that whilst I so often focus on what I'm doing, that it is merely a vehicle which I hope draws a connection to the absolutely amazing work that CHOC does for the children with cancer and their families and even the wider community through awareness campaigns. If you want to know more please visit their site www.choc.org.za .

I also must thank all those that have aided me in raising well over R20,000 this year (I don't know exact amount yet) I'm never sure if people want me to laud their giving, but you know who you are and without you, this journey I've had of the last 5 years with The Cows would not have been possible. If I add up what I know has been donated over this period it is over R80,000, well done to you, together we have made a huge difference in the lives of children and their families suffering from cancer.

It has been a busy week of Telkom 947 activities (actually longer with some planning I had to do).

Telkom 947 Kiddies Ride

We had 21 Cows helping the marshals at the Kiddies rides this year 12 of us on bikes leading them out, and sweeping, and those on foot cheering and looking after the children at various points round the track. 

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped, and to those who helped publicise too. It is such a privilege to be part of this, the joy of the children to be part of an event like this, and the determination, sometimes with tears, to not give up is a true inspiration to me and I trust to others also.

Also an awesome time was had at the Cowzebo with balloons, foam and other general cowfolly. Thanks also to Makro and Raleigh for the awesome cow bikes and helmets they had on show as part of The Cows fundraising efforts this year.

Telkom 947 Mountain Bike Challenge

The following day was another 55Km MTB race down for me, was really happy to see some personal bests on the slightly changed route that had slightly less climbing than previous years. Also slightly more enthusiasm than skill saw me having a little tumble and finishing with a bandage, thankfully just scratches. Thanks Darryl Mulley for coming to see us off even though you couldn't ride yourself. I know you really wanted to do it in memory of your daughters who succumbed to this terrible disease.

Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge Expo

Three days of shaking cans and asking people to donate for children with cancer, we make a noise and for some exhibitors bring atmosphere to an otherwise same old same old marketing expo (if we were allowed we'd spread the atmosphere wider), many support us by giving us samples and vouchers to give away to donatees, and so many passing by thank us for the work we are doing and relate their stories of surviving or losing loved ones to cancer, occasionally people want photo shoots with us and some even chip in to help.

Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge

The main event? After a week of busyness the final day arrives, starting really early to miss traffic and try and see off our Apocalypse Cows, this year suited up as Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, Luke, Obi Wan, Han Solo, Yoda, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, we even had Darth Va-dress, Queen Amidala and some other Wookie join us at the start and finish.

It's sometimes hard to believe that some of these guys actually have serious jobs; lawyers, CA's, CEO's, business owners and I don't know what else.

As for me I came in my cow suit with pink tutu in memory of special friends passed on, attached myself to an ice cream bike and towed and pushed till I was broken, there was help, Vickus was absolutely awesome from early on until the AC's caught up with us on their second lap, Vince and Hendrik pushed a long way down the M1 on their first 947, but there were many others who pushed us to 'just the top of the hill'. If it wasn't for the help of these wonderful volunteers sacrificing their own times to help us we couldn't have done it.

As for the AC's; whether rebel or empire you guys are definitely troopers, coming round on lap 2 and getting us home, when you are yourselves beat, is witness to the fact that we are never really alone, if we just know where to look there is help, you epitomise what CHOC does for children with cancer and their families.

And so a long post ends, but the story doesn't, I will update after the Cow Awards where we get to hear some of the stories behind the stories and hear what our final figure is. 

In the end despite all the show offishness it's about the kids battling cancer, if you are or know of someone needing help click here for the CHOC contact details.

And if you want to help financially here is how:

  • Through my GivenGain Profile: https://www.givengain.com/ap/JermTheCow2017/ 
  • Use my Snapscan QR Code: 
  • EFT direct to The Cows :
    Bank: Standard Bank
    Branch: Killarney
    Branch code: 007 205
    Account name: CHOC Cows
    Account number: 203 710 843
    Account type: Savings account
    Reference: Jeremy Pointer
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