
23 Days of #TDF in a Cow Suit

Starting Sat 7 July 2018 I will be riding every day of the Tour de France in my Cow Onesie including the rest days i.e. 23 days, this will be my 5th attempt to complete this challenge (flu got the better of me in 2015). 

(Image from the start of Liverpool to Scarborough ride I did in May)

This will also be my third year doing it in the cow suit, thankfully it's winter and cool but since many of the rides will be indoors (I have to work) there will be plenty of perspiring going on and the suit will spinning in the wash/dry cycle pretty often, never mind me. The 'rules' are at least an hour a day, and trust me this isn't always easy to fit in, I have other responsibilities even outside of work that require my attention so there are bound to be late night and early morning rides along the way.

(Yup It's scary sometimes.. photo from last years effort)

So why? The truth as is often said by us cows 'There are no soft needles', treatment of cancer is tough (understatement), and the kids have no choice, a little bit of pain and a little bit of sweat is nothing in comparison.

So please help the kids and their families going through this a little by donating, every little helps so even if it's just a few rand, that's great, it all adds up.

For the record Givengain only shows donations made through the platform, the real total so far is R5,000, I'm aiming for at least R20,000 this year again, but I've gone way past target last year so let's smash it again.

Click here to read more and donate.


CHOC Cows 2018 Post #1





Tax Year End Donation Opportunity

How Large will your tax refund be his year?

Eight days left to still qualify for a tax deduction of up to 10% of your taxable income, donations need to be made prior to the tax period conclusion, the 28th of February 2017. All cash donations made to CHOC qualify as Social Economic Development assistance.

You can view our BEE affidavit SED verification on request. Donations will qualify for a tax deduction under Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

Here is an ideal opportunity to help CHOC and the Cows (and me) help the children who benefit from the services offered.

Click the link below for more info and to donate

You can also donate via EFT:

Bank: Standard Bank
​Branch: Killarney
Branch code: 007 205
Account name: CHOC Cows
Account number: 203 710 843
Account type: Savings account
Please use reference: JermTheCow


2017 #Festive500

Skip to the end for the movie version if you are too busy/lazy to read, but I rode it and wrote it so I hope you will get unbusy/unlazy and read it later if you can.

It was the beginning of December again and I'm looking at my distance for the year and the target which I had left the same as 2016, and I know I'm working between Christmas and New Year so putting in hours on the was going to be difficult but after the 2016 #Festive500, which was pretty much rain every day, I've realised that the only real hurdle I had to overcome was the one in my mind, each time I accomplish this challenge that hurdle seems to get lower and lower.

This was my fifth #Festive500 I've done every one since 2013 when I first heard about it. It's never easy as I always try to fit in maintenance at work that can't be done when staff are around, then there are the 'obligatory' family days, and being a leader in my church also means I must work around the various services too. Never mind bikes breaking, tummy bugs and other illnesses and unexpected spanners thrown in the works.

I had really been scratching my head where to go this year, and a few days before the challenge I had an idea so I skipped over to google maps, did some quick route plans, copy paste, and scribbling and posted this.

The three loops all have the long back stretch (RH sides on map) being the whole extent of a road (although they don't keep the same name all the way through) the intention was to ride each one end to end.

The Outer Purple route estimated 151Km, Inner Green at 100Km and the Orange 50Km, it sounded half like a plan, I knew I could make up the remaining rides in commutes, and other shorter rides. The problem in my head was both the purple and green loops contained a fair amount of climbing up the back stretches and I'm not the best climber (actually I'm just not all that fast full stop) but weighing in at 105Kg climbing is never easy on me, even in the lowest gear anything above 4% becomes a long slow grind.

However I did have a new weapon in my arsenal and was fairly certain the new Diverge would help me up those climbs easier, if not faster.

Oh one other little thing needed to happen... 7000Km for the year target was looming and at the end of November I had been at 5762Km so needed 1238Km to get there, so there was going to be no slacking and 'tapering' for the festive challenge.

So much for the background.... here the ride summaries, if you want to see routes etc, see it on #Strava (dates are links):

Day #1 Dec 24: It's Sunday which means Church in the AM, I wanted to get up early but noisy neighbours and hot evening meant I didn't get much sleep, so pushed the ride into the afternoon. 13h30 I climb on and head west, it's not long before I realise this one is going to be tough with high temp and strong North Easter blowing, downhill straight into the wind where I'm normally hitting the 40-50Km/h mark I struggled to find 25Km/h, Then when I turned out of the wind I needed to find trees for shade. 71Km later, 2 liquid refuelling stops totalling 5L drunk (quite a bit more than the usual 750ml needed), I get home wondering why I do this to myself, but it's done.
Day #2 Dec 25: Christmas Service early in the morning and lunch with family and friends, became a no pedaling rest day.
Day #3 Dec 26: I woke up at 03h30, I hadn't decided which ride I was going to do, I still felt a bit raw from Sunday's ride, but it would be one of the three loops so I head off down the hill in the dark, I feel OK at the Sterkfontein Caves rd so I carry straight on, up the Kromdraai hill where I decide to do a little hike to get some photos of the sunrise that had been slowly starting to light the way. (whilst I'm thinking of it, there are photos in the below video slideshow) At Haartebeespoort I decide to take a bit of a detour to the dam wall, knowing that from that point on it's going to be pretty much uphill all the way back. A quick M&B breakfast and coffee at 75Km in and then the trek up the mountain(s?), I had thought, having never cycled this way, that some of the sections were flat/downhill but nope it just kept going up, sometimes less steep than others but up I went. 52Km later found the T junction of Senior and Cedar in Northcliff, it doesn't make sense to me that it's only 465m of climbing but since nobody has ever attempted this before (AFAICS) I guess I earned the KOM :-p I know a lot of friends who will easily steal that away from me, if they feel like the trip.
I took another little detour towards Randfontein near the end, there was no way I was going to do 150Km and not turn it into an Imperial Century so finished with 163Km. The only rain that caught me this year started plonking 2Km from home and turned to hail a Km later, but I managed to get home with a few small stings and mostly dry.
Day #4 Dec 27: Well I needed to work so trundled off to work on the bike, and trundled back home again (via the 'scenic' route) 9 hours later to accumulate another 50Km.
Day #5 Dec 28: I had planned to work but the rides needed to get done so I decided that since I'm the only one at work flexi time will do and swopped the day with the Jan 1 so I could do the next longer ride of my loops, joined by Bruce who suffered a fall at beginning of year and hadn't really done any long rides off we went to do a route I had sort of done a couple of times before, from the T junction in the Cradle of Humankind down (and up) Beyers Naude till we reached Cul de Sac in Brixton, then a short sharp climb to the top of the hill and back home. Nearly home I had done 90Km so again a short detour to make it a century. I've gotten used to riding these things solo over the years, the other cyclists I know that attempt the challenge are a fair bit faster than me or live a bit far away to make joint rides feasible, so it was good to have company.
Day #6 Dec 29: I had to work again but since no physical access was required I could remote in, and do what was required from home, so I snuck in a quick early 45Km frightening the Ostriches and Springboks, and climbing past the smelliest place in the dorp (sewerage works).
Day #7 Dec 30 I needed 69Km for #Festive500 and 86Km for the 7000Km, plus there was a chance of a planned club ride of ~50Km, I hadn't done the third (and easiest) planned loop, so I woke early enough to do the loop and meet the other guys for the club ride as continuation, somehow on the days I finish the challenge I have managed to get a crowd a few times. So the ride ended up being 102Km achieving the 2 goals a day early.

Thanks to Velo for the lovely tool to summarise these rides here is a little graphic for the #Festive500 rides.

Having reached the targets and also having put off the other annual event (Star Wars Movie) in order to find the +1200Km in Dec, decided to go do dinner and the show. Sunday 31'st became a rest day with no pedaling, I did toy with the idea of going out and doing a ride to push past some of the others in Strava Clubs/following and get a first position somewhere, but the temperature and the wind where too closely reminiscent of the previous Sunday so in the end I just chilled. Monday would be a fresh year and though I'm not one for resolutions, I have set myself a few tentative goals for the year, I'll see how it goes but if I can shed a few Kg and get my sleeping patterns right that elusive 10K goal I tried a few years go may go down. (It will help if I can avoid the April-July flu/cold season too)

Herewith promised photo slideshow video.

Ciao for now!!!


CHOC Cows 2017 Post #4

It's almost the end of the year, and perhaps not quite the end of my fundraising campaign. (Sorry for long post but I've been busy)

If you have been following I want to emphasise that whilst I so often focus on what I'm doing, that it is merely a vehicle which I hope draws a connection to the absolutely amazing work that CHOC does for the children with cancer and their families and even the wider community through awareness campaigns. If you want to know more please visit their site www.choc.org.za .

I also must thank all those that have aided me in raising well over R20,000 this year (I don't know exact amount yet) I'm never sure if people want me to laud their giving, but you know who you are and without you, this journey I've had of the last 5 years with The Cows would not have been possible. If I add up what I know has been donated over this period it is over R80,000, well done to you, together we have made a huge difference in the lives of children and their families suffering from cancer.

It has been a busy week of Telkom 947 activities (actually longer with some planning I had to do).

Telkom 947 Kiddies Ride

We had 21 Cows helping the marshals at the Kiddies rides this year 12 of us on bikes leading them out, and sweeping, and those on foot cheering and looking after the children at various points round the track. 

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped, and to those who helped publicise too. It is such a privilege to be part of this, the joy of the children to be part of an event like this, and the determination, sometimes with tears, to not give up is a true inspiration to me and I trust to others also.

Also an awesome time was had at the Cowzebo with balloons, foam and other general cowfolly. Thanks also to Makro and Raleigh for the awesome cow bikes and helmets they had on show as part of The Cows fundraising efforts this year.

Telkom 947 Mountain Bike Challenge

The following day was another 55Km MTB race down for me, was really happy to see some personal bests on the slightly changed route that had slightly less climbing than previous years. Also slightly more enthusiasm than skill saw me having a little tumble and finishing with a bandage, thankfully just scratches. Thanks Darryl Mulley for coming to see us off even though you couldn't ride yourself. I know you really wanted to do it in memory of your daughters who succumbed to this terrible disease.

Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge Expo

Three days of shaking cans and asking people to donate for children with cancer, we make a noise and for some exhibitors bring atmosphere to an otherwise same old same old marketing expo (if we were allowed we'd spread the atmosphere wider), many support us by giving us samples and vouchers to give away to donatees, and so many passing by thank us for the work we are doing and relate their stories of surviving or losing loved ones to cancer, occasionally people want photo shoots with us and some even chip in to help.

Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge

The main event? After a week of busyness the final day arrives, starting really early to miss traffic and try and see off our Apocalypse Cows, this year suited up as Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, Luke, Obi Wan, Han Solo, Yoda, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, we even had Darth Va-dress, Queen Amidala and some other Wookie join us at the start and finish.

It's sometimes hard to believe that some of these guys actually have serious jobs; lawyers, CA's, CEO's, business owners and I don't know what else.

As for me I came in my cow suit with pink tutu in memory of special friends passed on, attached myself to an ice cream bike and towed and pushed till I was broken, there was help, Vickus was absolutely awesome from early on until the AC's caught up with us on their second lap, Vince and Hendrik pushed a long way down the M1 on their first 947, but there were many others who pushed us to 'just the top of the hill'. If it wasn't for the help of these wonderful volunteers sacrificing their own times to help us we couldn't have done it.

As for the AC's; whether rebel or empire you guys are definitely troopers, coming round on lap 2 and getting us home, when you are yourselves beat, is witness to the fact that we are never really alone, if we just know where to look there is help, you epitomise what CHOC does for children with cancer and their families.

And so a long post ends, but the story doesn't, I will update after the Cow Awards where we get to hear some of the stories behind the stories and hear what our final figure is. 

In the end despite all the show offishness it's about the kids battling cancer, if you are or know of someone needing help click here for the CHOC contact details.

And if you want to help financially here is how:

  • Through my GivenGain Profile: https://www.givengain.com/ap/JermTheCow2017/ 
  • Use my Snapscan QR Code: 
  • EFT direct to The Cows :
    Bank: Standard Bank
    Branch: Killarney
    Branch code: 007 205
    Account name: CHOC Cows
    Account number: 203 710 843
    Account type: Savings account
    Reference: Jeremy Pointer
  • 2017-10-12

    CHOC Cows 2017 Post #3

    I've been doing this Dimension Data Qhubeka Charity Zwift Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka Academy thing for the last 6 weeks which for every 10 riders that complete will donate a Qhubeka bike to charity, currently there are 692 who have completed with another 538 who are at 87% or higher (2 rides left to do by Fri 13 23:59 UCT) to make 1240 potential riders who could complete, that's 124 bikes if we can all get there .... WOW!!!!

    Tomorrow night I'll be doing a 21Km Zwift Academy race, I'm not fast enough to win (or even win my category) but I'll be getting on my bike and doing my best....
    For the record I shall be riding like in the photos...

    If you feel sorry for me or just think I'm a little touched remember I suffer a little for those who suffer a lot, children with cancer, and though it's a completely other charity, if you have some MOOla to spare I'd appreciate if you can donate to CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation with CHOC Cows
    There are many ways to give:
    • Through my GivenGain Profile: https://www.givengain.com/ap/JermTheCow2017/ 
    • Use my Snapscan QR Code: 
    • EFT direct to The Cows :
      Bank: Standard Bank
      Branch: Killarney
      Branch code: 007 205
      Account name: CHOC Cows
      Account number: 203 710 843
      Account type: Savings account
      Reference: Jeremy Pointer
    • In my Cans: If you want to pass me some cash to stick in my cans I will happily do so we take any change big or small from 5c to R200 bits of change ;-) It will all go through the slot.


    CHOC Cows 2017 #2


    It's been a week or two since #TDF2017 ended as did my 23 Days pedaling in the Cow Suit, I was taking it relatively easy (most of the time) some of the rides whilst short were fairly high intensity, with me trying to finish with the riders whilst watching footage and 'trying to keep up with them. Of course being on the trainer for those rides meant I wasn't really carrying my weight, or suffering from the same amount of slope or rolling resistance, but I was turning the resistance up more than usual on the trainer.

    So this chart represents the Tour de Vache (Vache is Cow for the non french) 640Km in total for me (the empty circles are because the distance text doesn't fit), the ascent is pretty much irrelevant. I will just add that the 53Km I did on the final day I started as the riders started their laps of Champs Elysees, when they finished I was almost a full lap behind, the cow suit soaked through and fairly large puddle on the floor, both bandanas had been used up and the towel also pretty damp.

     Someone asked me what it was about... I've been doing this personal challenge of riding every day of TDF for a few years, surprised myself as I just went to check and this was my 5th attempt, although in 2013 and 2015 I didn't succeed due to flu. Last year and this year I did it wearing the Cow Suit.

    Apart from the personal challenge of getting on the bike every day, whether that be indoors or outdoors, road or MTB, the cow suit adds the element of raising awareness for CHOC, the little bit of suffering I do in that suit is NOTHING compared to what the children with Cancer go through during their treatment.

    So PLEEEEEASE help us reach the 'audacious' target The Cows have set for ourselves in the 10th year of existence to raise R10,000,000.00 yes TEN MILLION for the work CHOC does supporting Children (and their families) through their Cancer treatment (click the links for more info).

    There are many ways to give:
    • Through my GivenGain Profile: https://www.givengain.com/ap/JermTheCow2017/ 
    • Use my Snapscan QR Code: 
    • EFT direct to The Cows :
      Bank: Standard Bank
      Branch: Killarney
      Branch code: 007 205
      Account name: CHOC Cows
      Account number: 203 710 843
      Account type: Savings account
      Reference: Jeremy Pointer
    • In my Cans: If you want to pass me some cash to stick in my cans I will happily do so we take any change big or small from 5c to R200 bits of change ;-) It will all go through the slot.
    I shall close off with a picture I shamefully gimped (look it up) of the COWPODIUM of Tour de Vache 2017 (Sorry TDF, Warren  and ladies, I hope you don't mind it's for a good cause).


    CHOC Cow's 2017 #1 (the real #1)

    Well I can hardly believe I've made it to June without doing a post, so please excuse me for this being on the long side. Unfortunately the season has brought with it the usual bugs so I've been off the bike for a little while.

    If you've had your head in a hole (or maybe you are just new to my list) by now you know that for the last 4 years I've been raising funds for CHOC by riding events in cow kit and the last 2 years in a cow suit. And so this being my 5th year and the 10th Anniversary of The Cows I hope to be doing the same again and have yet again set my target at R20,000. So far the fund is sitting at R2k and some odds in my cans. Thanks again to those who help me achieve the goal every year.

    Without wanting to bore you too much but also give info (and I know many are well aware of what CHOC does) I thought I'd just briefly list some of the things CHOC does for children with cancer.

    • CHOC houses: 
      • Provide housing for children and family coming from far away to the treatment centers.
      • There are 13 houses around the country each costing approximately 500,000 per year and providing just over 66,000 bed nights per year.
    • Transport Fund:
      • A transport fund ensures that no child need go without treatment due to transport costs.
    • Ward comforts:
      • CHOC assists in maintaining the treatment centers as child friendly environments, decorating the wards and providing toys.
      • It is also important that parents be on hand to support their children through treatment and so kitchen and laundry facilities are provided as well as comfortable areas where they can relax and meet with other parents.
    • Medical facilities improvement:
      • Provision and improvements to wards in Chris Hani Baragwanath, Dora Nginza (Port Elizabeth) and Charlotte Maxeke Hospital (Johannesburg) have been supported by funds raised through CHOC
    • Medical Staff support:
      • On occasion where the need has arisen CHOC has provided funding for staff provision.
      • In order to reduce the load on medical staff CHOC provides volunteers for administrative and logistical support.
      • CHOC also provides funding for training and conferences for the staff which enables growth of knowledge and networking oppurtunities.
    • Awareness and early detection:
      • Parts of the healthcare system have a lack of awareness of early warning signs and CHOC initiated an awareness program to provide information to workers to primary health clinics and secondary hospitals and also to parents and teachers especially those in rural areas.
    There is so much more that they do for more details visit their web page at http://www.choc.org.za/choc-circle-of-care.html

    The Cows provide some of the funding for these projects by participating at athletic events, and various other projects. This is the tenth year anniversary of The Cows and we have set a monumental target of 10 Million Rand to raise for 2017.

    I recently rode in a 6hr endurance race to assist raising funds for Delta Park school which caters for children from Grade R to 12 that have barriers to learning in mainstream schools, and was awarded the principals prize for riding the day in the Cow suit. Riding in a team of 3, I managed to complete 5 of the 6.2Km laps the last of which ended up being in a single gear that was a bit on the tough side. Team total of 13 laps.
    So...... hopefully I will be back to pedaling in a few days and will again be spending most of July "Riding every day of Tour de France in a Cow Suit" this will include the "Rest days". I won't be riding the same distances as the racers or doing anywhere near as much climbing, but one way or another I will don the cow suit every day and do a ride, some will be indoors and some outdoors. If you fancy giving me a little extra incentive by donating for the number of Km's rode or the number of meters climbed I would welcome it, just let me know.

    For those in the West Rand watch out for me on the road and give me a wave, yell or hoot but more importantly please give.

    This year The Cows will be supporting various projects for CHOC read more at http://www.thecows.co.za/projects

    If you got this far well done I hope to bring more news after TDF.

    How can you give:

    • Through my GivenGain Profile: https://www.givengain.com/ap/JermTheCow2017/ 
    • Use my Snapscan QR Code: 
    • EFT direct to The Cows :
      Bank: Standard Bank
      Branch: Killarney
      Branch code: 007 205
      Account name: CHOC Cows
      Account number: 203 710 843
      Account type: Savings account
      Reference: Jeremy Pointer
    • In my Cans: If you want to pass me some cash to stick in my cans I will happily do so we take any change big or small from 5c to R200 bits of change ;-) It will all go through the slot.
    For those that would like to claim their tax deduction for charitable giving, you can request the required Section 18A certificate by emailing daisy@thecows.co.za for the form to complete.