
CHOC Cows Post #10 94.7 MTB a bust Road ride Next

Well helloooo again, just a quick report since it's 2 days till 94.7 Cycle Challenge.

The 94.7 MTB Challenge was a bit of a bust since my brakes failed (my fault for not making sure there was still pad left), but that was the straw that broke the camel's back of a bad week where things just kept going wrong,  tough week at work and then on Saturday I kept the proverb one of my MTB friends gave "If there isn't blood it's not an MTB ride" and crashed to the tar at about 35Km/h whilst trying to land after a ramp off dirt onto a road I was crossing, no major damage to me, just some road rash on my arm, shoulder, and hip and slight bruising.

The helmet did it's job and didn't survive...

Thanks to Westrand Cycles getting a replacement was fairly quick, so I had a new bonnet for Sunday.

At any rate I did cross the line in 2:21 unfortunately sweeper vehicles were involved

So this week has been a better week and I trust the road ride will be enjoyable, I've had a sort of preview of most of the route, some of on my bike a few weeks ago, and some of it in the van on Sunday. To anyone else riding I suggest you keep a bit of energy in the tank for the climbs of Cedar and Steyn Boulevard at the end.

My givengain project looks like this at the moment:

5,200 ZARraised from 5 Donors
137 DAYSto reach 20,000 ZAR


Thanks to all those who have given so far.. unfortunately this isn't sufficient to get me in a cow suit on Sunday... but I will be joining the herd and suffering a bit more heat ... or rain... as we will start riding later than I'm used too.

For those that haven't given yet NOW is your chance.

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